The Nations Struggle to Control the Gate of Heaven
In the third “Israel: God’s Interdimensional Portal” we will look at the struggle to control the “Gate of Heaven” introduced in earlier videos. Throughout history, world empires have sought to control Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem. Today, Islam claims the area as its own, struggling against the modern state of Israel that formed after World War…
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Bible Study: Exodus 35-40
The first thing that God commanded Israel once the covenant had been consummated was: And let them construct a sanctuary for Me, that I may dwell among them… (Exodus 25:8) Later He declared that He had brought Israel out of Egypt for this purpose (Exodus 29:45-46). Moses was given the specifications for God’s house. A…
Bible Study: Exodus 30-34
In this section of the Bible we will consider three different themes: Shabbat, the Golden Calf incident and what I will call the “test of Messiah”. The first subject is the Shabbat. God declared: But as for you, speak to the sons of Israel, saying “You shall surely observe My Sabbaths; for this is a sign between…
Portals Part 2: Comings and Goings Between Heaven and Earth
While Quantum Physics grapples with the discovery of other dimensions, writers of the Bible, thousands of years ago, recorded many interactions between the physical realm of earth and the hidden (to us) spiritual realm of heaven. This video details several of those interdimensional interactions. “Israel: God’s Interdimensional Portal” is available as an eBook. Click…
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Bible Study: Exodus 28-30
This section of the Bible continues the specifications for the tabernacle, its furnishings and the High Priest’s garments. Last week I emphasized that the tabernacle is the first prophetic type of the church in the Bible. This pattern is continued throughout history. Following the tabernacle was the First Temple in Jerusalem. That was followed by what I call the…
Intro: Israel, God’s Interdimensional Portal
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. While we know something about the physical universe, we know much less about the spiritual realm. In the last 150 years, science may be backing into a better understanding through quantum physics. We’ll also look at how the Bible presents Judea and Samaria in Israel…
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